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co-Fashion機能時尚展演 ⋮ co-Fashion Function X Fashion #臺北時裝週 #SS22
發布日期:2021-10-20 下午 12:06

紡織科技研發 X 精品時尚風貌

台灣機能紡織品聞名全球,長年與歐美知名運動品牌合作密切,為拓展機能布料於時尚品牌市場,在經濟部工業局「時尚跨界整合旗艦計畫」推動下,紡拓會促成品牌設計師與紡織業者共同合作,打造結合機能環保與時尚創意的服飾,舉辦「co-Fashion機能時尚」動態展演,展示設計師申子芹、高元龍、謝宇農與謝明柔 2022 春夏系列機能時尚服飾。設計師們以音樂作為靈感,與機能紡織業者合作開發品牌獨創布料,同時經由國際精品設計總監竹腰名生指導服裝開發與市場資訊,汲取國際品牌經驗,並延伸主題靈感與五家機能布廠(美立信實業、福懋興業、佳和實業、台灣富綢、富勝紡織)等合作開發永續機能布料,藉此展現風格獨具的品牌服飾。

● Seivson (申子芹):22SS主題「MISTER MISS-未來世界不具名的臥底」,採用品牌擅長的「解構重組」與「內外結合」設計,打破大眾對服裝刻板的印象,如臥底角色的多重身份,讓服裝增添神祕感並充滿驚喜;將時裝布料結合家飾布概念的設計,開發具有撥水機能的古典提花布,與抗菌機能的紗質提花布,賦予22春夏系列華麗質感。

● SYZYGY (高元龍):22SS系列主題「太空回聲SPACE ECHO」,以聲音表達音樂概念,聲音傳遞信息,回聲是反射回來的聲波,訊號透過聲音傳遞在未知的宇宙裡,就像疫情變動下的我們,在宇宙探索的旅程裡,等待太空的回聲。設計師將聲音圖像化,設計具有抗菌機能的薄透剪花布,以及撥水機能的盤印鋪棉提花布,搭配豐富的針織提花單品,傳遞靜謐中泛動的品牌張力。

● WooLeeX (謝宇農、謝明柔):22SS系列「WrevoLutionX」,將音樂視為有情緒的生命體,交響樂時而輕柔時而激昂,如同花朵的生命週期,在自己的步調中呈現起承轉合的故事。本季使用花朵與舞動的人物圖案元素,開發具有撥水機能的盤印提花布與印花布,並設計多款套裝,以品牌擅長的手繪、圖騰設計與拼接手法,打破套裝的刻板印象,展現自然與音樂的生命力。

Promoted by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs under “Strategic Fashion Integrated Flagship Program,” Taiwan Textile Federation has contributed to the collaboration between new designers and textile industries, featuring music element based functional apparel, and the jacquard design and printed patterns are applied to functional fabric. The designers use the functional fabric co-developed with Taiwan textile industries to design the functional apparel with brand styles and styling aesthetics to expand the market for functional fabric and apparel.

This project invites Nao Takekoshi, the internationally-renowned designer and CEO of Nao Design Inc. to participate in two online design workshops, and guide the Taiwanese designers to design and create in their 2022 Spring/Summer collections.

Seivson (Designer Jill Shen)
In the 2022 Spring/Summer collection “MISTER MISS”, designer Jill Shen deconstructs and reassembles the conventional perception of underwear/outerwear and creates the new inner/outer silhouette which symbolizes the “undercover” in different forms. The designer firmly believes that fashion must return to the essence of life, so she develops the classical-style jacquard fabrics with water repellent and antibacterial features based on her childhood memories of piano lessons which combine the elements of music and braid as well as the concept of fashionable household fabrics, giving the 22SS collection with a delicate and gorgeous texture.

SYZYGY (Designer Yuan-Lung Kao)
2022 Spring/Summer collection “SPACE ECHO” is inspired by music and sound. Sound is a way of communication, and echoes are composed by sound waves after waiting. Astronomers use data sonification technology to convert signals into sound to communicate with celestial stars, and the designer imitates this idea to translates echoes into textile patterns to develop warp printed, padded jacquard fabrics with water-repellency and sheer cutting motif fabrics with an antibacterial feature. The design ingenuity is able to deliver the brand message in seemingly tranquil colors and patterns of the fabrics.

WooLeeX (Designers Jerry Hsieh and Cynthia Hsieh)
The theme of 2022 Spring/Summer collection is“WrevoLutionX” inspired by the symphony, the ups and downs of the tones are like the life cycle of flowers, as if presenting a story with abundant twists and a grand summary. The textile design adopts music, geological landscapes, and flowers as the elements to develop printed fabric with hand-painted patterns and the water repellent feature, as well as the special three-dimensional jacquard fabric. From the distance, they are like pieces of paintings, and by taking a closer look, one can find detailed linear layouts, which present the posture of people listening to music, or dancing joyfully with Mother Nature.

▪️ 因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)」,活動現場實施人流管制與相關防疫措施,並依防疫指揮中心發布事項隨時因應調整。
▪️ 入場採實聯制,來賓全程配戴口罩並量額溫,額溫攝氏37.5度以上者謝絕入場。
▪️ 主辦單位保留活動變更權。
▪️ 本活動新冠肺炎快篩試劑防疫產品由福爾 FORA Taiwan贊助提供。
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#臺北時裝週 #TaipeiFashionWeek #TPEFW
#fashionweek #SS22
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